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Teacher LEADER Tysen Belcher visits the Oregon Wastewater Treatment Plant

Teacher LEADER Stacy Maynard and her 5th grade science class hosted a demonstration by Dr. Glenn Lipscomb, Professor and Chemical Environmental Engineer from the University of Toledo on Thursday, March 21st. The students took a variety of data measurements and made dozens of observations during the one hour session trying to determine which bulb had the greatest value.


On Thursday May 2nd Teacher LEADER Matthew Prange took his 4th grade Whiteford Elementary students to the Toledo Museum of Art.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day so viewing art both inside and outside the museum was perfect.  About 40 were in attendance including students, teachers and chaperons. 


Seven Monroe County district teachers and UT personnel visited the confocal and electron microscope facilities learning about its operations and how to interface via internet to their students back in their classrooms.  This unique opportunity allows students outside the university to have access and interact with over $500,000 worth of equipment.  Another instructional session is scheduled for January of 2014.

The Northwest Ohio Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council awarded eight grants to area schools for the advancement and study of sustainable ecology. Volunteers from Central Catholic High School and Airport High School took part. [Full Story] [Video]


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