LEADERS Business/Scienctist Council & Community Partners
LEADERS is more than education about renewable energy in the 21st Century.
LEADERS is about connecting scientists,
business and community leaders to first-class education to drive
future economic development.
Through the assistance and generosity
of our business and community partners, LEADERS is making an impact
on Northwest Ohio.
As of August 24, 2012, 36 business, community and
governmental agencies have agreed to partner with The University of
Toledo’s LEADERS program. The
purpose of LEADERS is to increase student interest in and to prepare
students for careers in the renewable energies;
through our partnerships, we link the renewable energies industry to
school districts. Enhance
professional development of district teachers and teacher leaders
and subsequent learning opportunities for students in schools. The
scope of these partnerships is tailored each business’ community
goals and varies from an agreement to provide future speaking
engagements to school-wide partnerships in several large scale
multi-million dollar grants.
These include: (1) mentorship, (2) information, (3) collaboration, (4) support and (5) service. Click on the link for each category of involvement to get more information
The purpose of the UT LEADERS Business/Scienctist Council is
to provide guidance that leads to the identification and development
of LEADERS partnerships and that increases the connections among
business, scientists, schools and The University of Toledo
supporting LEADERS grant goals.
Meetings: The LEADERS Business/Scienctist Council will meet three times yearly as a scheduled
group to provide feedback on program direction and initiatives as
well as to advise LEADERS principal investigators and staff on
specific strategies that support and boost business and scientific
engagement and membership. Additional meetings of the Council
or established sub-committees may be called by the Chair of the
Council or LEADERS Principal Investigators.
Membership: The University of Toledo LEADERS Business/Scienctist Council is composed of key business leaders, scientists, government and non-profit organizations with a common interest in the promotion of quality science and renewable energy education that promotes economic revitalization through investment in renewable energy technologies.
Members: Coming Soon